Macro or Ceremonial dosing:
We have provided detailed information below that is intended to help you prepare for the journey. The likelihood of having an uncomfortable experience or a bad trip will be less likely if you properly prepare for your therapeutic ritual or ceremony.
For first-timers, we recommend these guidelines to ensure you have a good experience and you can continue to go deeper with the medicine. We recommend starting off with a low dose of 1-2 capsules to gauge your sensitivity. Sensitivities vary largely from one person to another. Testing your sensitivity helps you get a feel for the mushrooms, and you can always increase your dose. Going too fast too soon may result in an unwelcome experience and put you off from future healing.
We don’t recommend using sacred mushrooms for partying or entertainment. Taking mushrooms in a party environment exposes you to dangerous situations and increases your likelihood of having a bad trip. It is not wise to use magic mushrooms in combination with alcohol or other drugs. Alcohol is a depressant which dulls your senses while mushrooms enhance your senses, so combining the two would likely result in a bad experience and could be potentially dangerous as they both affect your normal thinking.